Good Morning! Are you my Pet Sitter?
I'm ready for my milk!
I'll just take a taste.
You made it just right!
Don't worry about the mess. It dries up nice and crusty.
Don't forget about my potatoes and guinea pig food!
The little dish is salt.
You have to put bells on the door so you know when I'm inside and a piece of cork into the latch to keep the door from closing all the way.
If you forget the cork I eat the door trying to get out. Or in.
I'm not really allowed in the rabbit pen.
So I don't think Helen should be allowed in my kitchen area.
Please water the grass seed so new grass will grow in the backyard.
How much mud do we need?
You should probably take away broken toys.
Corn on the cob should be served at noon, sharp!
Apples are a good treat any time.
You can see the apple juice behind me.
I'm still kind of hungry.
Bamboo from the front yard!
You'll know if I disapprove of anything.
This is where I usually poop.
You need to clean it up right away or
I might track it into the house on my feet.
I like to track in mud, too.
I always wash my feet before I go into the kitchen.
(That was a joke!)
If I go swimming I need my frog towel afterward.
Be sure to check that I don't drag it out the door.
When my frog holds the door open, hundreds of flies come in.
I just wanted to show you my new goldfish toy.
If you put new blankets on the bed, I need to mark them first.
I sit outside the door and wait patiently for my bedtime milk.
Before bedtime, make sure my heater is on.
And straighten out my blankets, please!
This is where I have my bedtime milk. Good night!