Sunday, December 5, 2010

Baby Dobby

 That's me on the right. I'm the littlest one! 
We are 3 weeks old in this photo. 
We ate all the potatoes that were in that bowl!

 I was a little sad to leave my family, 
even though I got to live in Aunt Robin's bathtub for a day.

 This is me in my own great big bathtub. 
Not impressed with the accommodations.

Nice swimming pool, though. 
Actually, this is my potty. I used it from the very beginning.

 Now we're talking. 
A cozy waffle box, a bird blanket, and some nice grass!

 Yes, this hut will do nicely!

My own Step-Saver kitchen!

 I liked the heat lamp. It made naptime and bedtime very cozy.

I spent most of the day out of the bathtub. 
My favorite place was by the door with this beautiful white rug!

 It was love at first sight: My White Rabbit Rug!

Yes, it is MY White Rabbit Rug, now. 
And don't you forget it!

 Sweaters are nice, too. 
That's how I say I like something- I bite it!

I like this curtain, too. 
I'll just chew the corner off when you aren't looking.

Just getting pouffy, sitting by the curtain 
and looking at my White Rabbit Rug!

1 comment:

  1. I thought adult capybaras were cute, but baby Dobby is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

    My husband and I love capybaras, chickens, and muscovy ducks. I'd love to see photos of them all together, if they will cooperate. :)
